blog:Tips Archives | Brian Jessel BMW PreOwned
5 Easy Ways to Prepare Your Car For Winter
As winter approaches in Vancouver, ensuring your vehicle is ready for the colder months is critical for safety and performance. From unpredictable snowfalls in the surrounding mountain regions to rainy, chilly mornings in the city, Vancouver’s winters can test any car. Here are 5 Easy Ways to Prepare Your Car For Winter and keep your […]
Winter Car Care Tips and Advice
The winter months are almost here. And while that means that it is time to dig out our coats and hats from the bottom of the closet, it also means that it is time to get our vehicles ready for the new season. Winter can be tough on a vehicle. The below-freezing temperatures have the […]
Benefits of servicing your BMW at the dealership
If your BMW needs an oil change, it may be tempting to take it to a local mechanic. After all, most mechanics know how to perform oil changes, right? While this may be the case, all mechanic shops are not created equal. Some independent mechanic shops may promise less expensive rates than a dealership can […]
Advantages of Buying a Certified BMW
There can sometimes be certain risks involved in buying a used vehicle. In some cases, the dealer may try to mislead you into thinking that the car you have purchased is in better condition than what it actually is. So, how can you trust that the used car you are purchasing is a high-quality vehicle? […]